Cheers for changing cohabitation clichéd!

Sir Elton John's gay marriage before Christmas with his
long-standing partner David Furnish looked like yet another
incident in the liberal world where non-conformism has fast been
getting kind accommodation with a hitherto reactionary conformist

However, a look beyond what meets the eyes opens up two
vital questions that hold crucial value to the women of the world,
especially those who cherish the unhindered consumerist ethos of
the liberal world order that believes in freedom of all
possibilities, how scary it might be.
The first question that is thrown up the grabs for a wider and a
meaningful discussion is whether both men and women are heading for
growingly compartmentalized spheres of bio-psychological
existentialism and social living? The 'gay and lesbian
contracts' between two human beings have certainly opened up a very
far-reaching and revolutionary gateway in a traditional man-woman
socio-sexual relationship that has survived the social world order
so far. However, the current fast changes in 'sexual preferences'
and 'cohabitation ethics' of men and women will soon need a higher
'level of expression' of the contemporary 'preference freedom' and
then, probably half the world will stand as segregated where either
males will have 'preferred' male social/sexual partners or females
having 'opted' female partners.
The question itself has to be understood first as what it proposes
to point out is still a very nascent threat and there would be an
innate tendency to brush off such perceptions as 'over ambitious

But given the fact that sex and sexually-driven
social-personal identities rule more than 75 percent of human
thought processes, what the future social world order will emerge
as will depend much on how fast the cross-cultural societies accept
the 'changed sexual/cohabitation preferences' as normal and within
acceptable social/legal rules. Even in country like India, there is
a growing and strong demand to legalize gay and lesbian marriages.
Even in very traditional societies like that of Bihar, a lesbian
marriage demand had cropped up this month.
Let us first elaborate the background of gay and lesbian marriages
to understand the nature of the question.

experiences shared by both gays and lesbians marrying or just
having sexual partnerships have confirmed the fact that the so
called 'non-conformist option' is taken recourse to by the
individuals partly by their own sexual preferences backed by
biological make-up but vastly because of the fact that they believe
gay or lesbian partners are psychologically more comfortable and
relaxing. They believe in gay or lesbian relationships, the 'mutual
comfort zone' is far wider compared to the traditional male-female
Many lesbians have recorded their views that with their male
partners, they did not find comfort while having penetrative sex as
the male partners were not genuinely emotional about the cuddling,
foreplay, emotional bonding and psychological pampering which they
believed was the core principle in lesbian relationships. The gay
world has similar theories of 'comfort zone'.

The over-empowering
feminist agenda and one-upmanship resorted to by the "new feminist
females" have bothered the male world truly and the traditional
'comfort levels' of males with these females have gone down a lot.
Many male clubs are opening up even in India where males accuse
their women of being "cruel".
This suggests that the male and female worlds are fast being
compartmentalized with each world emphasizing the uniqueness and
compatibility only with their own world while rejecting the other
world's comfort levels.
This is not the only segregation wave gaining ground in the
liberal world.

The scientists are almost every day coming up with
researches that claim females are "different" compared to males
biologically, mentally and psychologically. The latest researches
in hormones and genetics have told the world that women are quite
different in their make up compared to men and both have rather
segregated body and mind mechanisms.
This compartmentalization of female world might not be a reason
for worry to the male world as they have been in a position of
supremacy compared to women but the females have reasons to worry.
The fast growing lesbianism and gay culture and its wider
acceptance will ultimately create a rather 'walled' women's world
where the picture of females would be framed as something alien to
the mainstream men's world.

The reality should however be very different as both males and
females are part of the singular human rationality and spiritually
speaking, creation of the same god. The feminists themselves thrive
on the agenda that both men and women are same barring some
biological features as part of their equality concept. The
feminists have rather attempted successfully to enter the male's
world in a big way and have over the years shown similar
sociological and behavioral traits that are benchmark of a male's
The nasty fall out of this male-female compartmentalization is the
growing male alienation of the female body and a resultant violence
against the women that emanates out of the non-acceptance of the
female world order.

The second important question that comes to the fore is the very
purpose of the institution of marriage. In both gay and lesbian
relationships, the institution of marriage is a casualty, as these
partners might not need the security of the marriage, as their
joint living does not result in children, as is the case in the
male-female marriages. The institution of marriage itself is a
protective mechanism for females, as males seldom prefer the
restrictions of the marriage. As and when the institution of
marriage gets completely meaningless, the losers will be the women
as their levels of security in a violence-prone male world order
will further get diminished.

Many a women will frown at these assumptions as currently it seems
too early and naïve but given the fact that the trend of gay and
lesbian relationships are fast getting popular and in a consumerist
world, every thing happens so fast that what a few decades back
happened in years, they now become in just a few weeks, thanks to
the communication boom and open cross-cultural exchange.
All About Me

Name: Santosh Jha Age: 37 Education: Degree in Political
* Six feet four inches tall, fair complexioned man.
* Outgoing and confident demeanor.

* More mass-centric and holistic approach in life than the limited
VIP-centric and lopsided approach.
* A people-friendliness in attitude that suits the profession.
* Worked as Manager, Brand Development in Dainik Jagran, India's
largest circulating daily. (.
* Content planning and brand development planning.
* Conceptualizing and executing all brand publicity campaigns
including hoardings, road-signages, self-promotional ads, banners
& posters and road shows.

* Conceptualizing and executing all brand events covering all
segments of consumers, especially mega events of mass-participation
to ensure product brand pride.
* Planning and estimation of readership augmentation
* Conduct and coordination of household surveys for ascertaining
consumer preferences through a team of PCC (public contact
campaign) guys.
* Planning and execution of workshops and interactive meetings of
inter-departmental task forces for assimilative target

* Corporate communications with headquarter and top bosses in
matters of decision-making processes.
* Use of multi-media platform for consumer activation and
interactive programs to make brand friendliness.
* Research and option building for
sales promotion and reader
* Customer relationship management through innovative and
lucrative contact programs and gift schemes.

* Conceptualization and execution of Employees Skill Development
* Workshops and presentations on Employee Motivation & Loyalty
* Presentations and assimilative programs on Total Quality
Management (TQM).
* Presentations and assimilative programs on Result Based
Management (RBM)
* Presentations and assimilative programs on Organization

* Skills for media planning.
* Conceptualization of software development for company's work
* Specialization in corporate communications, an essential skill
to convince the bosses of the good things we do.
* Attended workshops on Leadership Development & Work
* Attended workshops on Brand Development and Branding

* Attended workshops on Market Mechanisms and Brand
* Attended and made my own presentations in over six regional and
national conclaves.
* Excellent command over Quark page making system, the most
friendly program for writing and other written presentations.
* Excellent skills with Photoshop and Corel Draw, the two
packages, essential for designing and artistic works.

I usually
create my own designs for all publicity stuffs.
* Excellent command over all office packages, especially the power
point presentations.
* Excellent speed with accuracy of both English and Hindi
* Known to create company's own blog.

Great internet skills.
* Ten-years experience as journalist in various national and
international newspapers and news agencies.
* Before Brand Manager, I was Features Editor with India's largest
selling newspaper, Dainik Jagran, Patna
* Working as Bihar-Jharkhand reporter for Agence France Presse
(AFP), a top international news agency.
* Providing content on freelance basis to many online newspapers
and some foreign magazines.

* Online research work as outsourced stuff.

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