Female Libido Reviews Pricacy Policy

When you provide us with information through Female libido Reviews (the "Site"), we respect your privacy. With your permission, we may collect certain types of information in order to communicate with you regarding Lilies products, services, and promotional events. The following Privacy Statement provides details about how your personal information is collected and used.

Lilies Collections is the sole owner of information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement.

Our websites offers several opportunities for visitors to register for promotional and informational mailings, online. These registration forms are often linked to Female Libido Reviews mailing lists and require users to give contact information (such as name and email address). We use this contact information to send users information about our company and its products and promotional events.

Female Libido Reviews provides users the opportunity to opt-in, opt-out or change preferences via a link in the footer of most email messages. These options are made available when you sign-up for our email lists and in email messages delivered from our company.

The information we receive from or about you is stored on systems designed to prevent the loss, misuse, and unauthorized access of that information. When we ask for sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, we protect it through the use of encryption during transmission, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

Our trusted vendors and business partners are responsible for processing or handling some of the information that we receive. These vendors and business partners are not authorized to use such information for purposes beyond those specified by us and are required to preserve the confidentiality with which we treat such information.

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on the Lilies Collections Website. So our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

Please contact us directly with any issues.